Sunday, October 30, 2011

What Would I Do? (A Thank You)

Without my family and friends?

I am feeling humbled. I have been for months now. I can't express enough gratitude or thank enough people. I don't know what I would do without all of you pushing me on and cheering me forward. I have the worlds best cheerleaders.

200+ likes on my FB Author Page in such a short period of time!

Thank you so very much to all of you. There are too many to name, but you should know who you are. You've been by my side through the good, the bad and the downright, disgustingly horrible, melodramatic, the world is ending, ugly. But not only did you stay, you encouraged, pushed and listened.

Now if the aforementioned doesn't sound like you, then you're a part of the crowd that decided to show your support once you knew what I was up to. You started shouting from the rooftops about me and telling everyone who would listen, even despite their groans and eye rolls, that you have this friend, with this dream of hers coming true that they just HAD to start following on Facebook. LOL!

No one on the planet has friends like mine. I am proof that friends make *the* best fans EVER!

Now I just need to work on the twitter followers, which by the way have been steadily growing to include some surprising and awesome people. ;-)

Love you all! And thank you from the bottom of my heart.